Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ghana's Society (Bridget W.)

I would give the Ancient Empire of Ghana a "B-" based on its quality of society they created. Ghana received this merely because they were slightly above average compared to other empires in the society category. Ghana had an extremely designated Cast system. There was a ruler- The emperor. Nobles- Fought in the emperor’s army, provided weapons, foot soldiers, and chariots. Farmers – Most people ended up into this cast. They worked on land that was owned by the nobles. Craftspeople- included bronze and jade workers, potters, and stonemasons. Traders- actually ranked under nobles and above farmers but were looked down upon because they produced no goods. That being said there was rarely any movement between social structures. This system was not useful because no one could reach their full potential, unless their full potential was what they were born into. Slaves- Worked for the emperor or wealthy people. Slaves were traded for textiles, beads, and other finished goods. This was not a great way to be treated. They viewed slaves not like humans but as an item, meaning they weren’t valued as much as others. There was no desire to improve on equality. They believed what was set now had no flaws and should say the same. Ghana was a strong empire with their ways until Ghana’s down fall occurred. Ghana's empire was strong but definitely not more powerful than other empires forming around them.
the formatting didn't copy over to swell but you get the drift.

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